Yohanna de Socorro Calderón Flores in Los Chilamates, Carazo, Nicaragua: “before this project, we used to only farm the traditional produce, wheat, rice, beans, that was it, nothing more. Not now though, we the new methodologies that we’ve learned, through the trainings and workshops. On my farm we have level curves, wind barriers, we are diversified. CIEETS has taught us all of that. We’ve set up a seed bank, because of the high risk of losing seed in drought or flooding. We’re planting yucca, bananas, plantains, fruit trees, citrus, pitahaya, lots of things. And now we have hygienic wells, covered up, nothing gets in them, with a pump. Before we had buckets and a rope, and stuff got into it. And, with the chickens, well, that is good for our own consumption, and to sell, we’ve made money from it”.